Focusing on Transformation Solution from Bill Phillips

From best selling author, Bill Phillips, comes another monster hit, Transformation Solution. This latest program from the well-known author is considered to be the ultimate weight loss program ever to hit the market. Obesity and being overweight has always been a perennial problem for a lot of people. Magazines, movies, and television shows feature only […]

Acai Berries – The Secret to Weight Loss

Are you currently trying to lose weight? Have you been able to shed a pound or two but nothing really more than that? Are you tired of trying each new diet that hits the market or working out until you simply can’t move anymore? If this describes you than you’re not alone. Each day millions […]

Weight Loss Basics — Willpower vs. Barrier

A to B If we are to believe Nike, it is simply a matter of “Just Do It.” Looks good on paper, and even better in the commercials—but of course, all those Nike hard-body models have long since arrived at B (or never left, more likely). When A is 300 pounds and B is 150 […]